Nottingham University Hospitals x City Arts

Community Engagement

In 2022, Wolfson Cystic Fibrosis Centre at Nottingham University Hospitals embarked on a creative journey, working with City Arts Nottingham to commission a series of artworks for the hospital ward. Teaming up with artist 'Peachzz,' Alastair hosted ideation sessions for the patients and staff to chat about everything from nature to the tree of life. From these discussions, they developed two murals for the site atrium. An imagination-sparking boost of colour for the ward, the surreal works featured birds seamlessly transforming into flowers. Next, Alastair worked with patients to transform their poetry into captivating posters which were framed and hung across the site. Sticking with the fun, surreal theme, he crafted a collage of imagery inspired by phrases from their poems. The artist/patient dialogue at the core of this project was especially powerful. The project gave the patients the opportunity to shape the space they were spending time, providing creative catharsis, and making the ward a brighter, happier place to be.

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